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經多年研究證實,天然精油能有效將細菌分解。德國研發之「草本力」GERM - FREE ESSENCE 以尤加利精油、茶樹精油等十多種純天然成份提煉,經過多次臨床實驗分析,「草本力」能以最天然的方式達至抗病毒及加強身體自然供氧功效。

It is proven that natural essential oils can effectively break down bacterium. Formulated in Germany, Germ-Free Essence is made from over ten different natural and active ingredients including Eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Clinical trials have shown that Germ-Free Essence can help protect the body’s defensive system against germs and viruses.

If interested in purchasing, please send an email to providing your name, company name, contact tel no and email address or contact Golden Talent (ASEAN) Ltd 

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